söndag 8 april 2012


Hiya! Today I´ve been at Elisas house and had crêps with chocolate, cream and jam..:) yummmy in my tummy. Well there..Marie and another guy whos name I cant remember got there too. So french food made by a french chef ;). and french company..  yepyep.. now I can almost understand french..

Now I´m making my suprise thing that I´m not gonna tell u what it is... but yeah..

2 WEEKS LEFT...! WoW. 2 weeks til I´m gonna meet my lovely family again :D! <3 Love to you -.0
2 weeks til I´m never gonna sit here again..and never meet the lovely people I´ve met here again.

It feels like I´ve been here for 10 months when I recognise people in the city, on the trains and trams and...yeah... when I almost can find places...it brings a tear in my eye...:)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Great to know that you understand and speak almost French!! :D
    Good thing for your next travels in France!! ;)

    Enjoy the last 2 weeks , time flies so quickly ...
    Maybe if you got the kids a morning or a night , we can do a last Skype talk in maribyrnong!!

  2. Både tråkigt och kul för dig att åka därifrån antar jag. Jag kommer åtminstone bli himla glad att se dig igen! Saknat (och saknar) att hitta på skoj saker med dig! :D
