tisdag 31 januari 2012

Tuesday, another tuesday

Library with the kids- check! Now I´m sitting here with a sore tummy while they are at the bowling... yep. I wanna go out for a run as soon as I feel better.

Yeah...nothing much is happening for the moment, fun fun.

I think thats all you need to know for today. =) see youuuu!

söndag 29 januari 2012

Sunday bloody beach day!

YES! you heaaaard me. It´s been so hot again today that I wish for some snow tomorrow!

Or...do I? A bit yeah.

Anyway. Went to the beach with Emelie and Sara and the german girl whos name I doesn´t remember. Lovely. First I was planning to go to Frankston Beach with Sandra and her frriend...but when it was going to take me at least 2,5 hours with the public transport that have got the losiest aircon...I decided to go to Em and Sara in St Kilda instead. Well, down there when I was going to change I realised that I´d forgotten my bathers at home!!! SO enoying...soooooooooo It had taken me lots of time and patience to go to the beach for a swim a day, hot like this. And no swim for me. Sucks...so I had to sit in the sun without any shade. Burned again. - Yes!
I´d been thinking about watch tennis with my dear friends on Fed square...buuuut I was too hot so I took the hot tram home again later in the afternoon.

Good day huh? Not too bad I have to admit but it could have been better.

:) SMILE, life´s what you make it

torsdag 26 januari 2012

Australia Day!

YEs! "suuupaah"! Great day with a great family and a good picknick in a park with friends and bbq. Sunshine.  I got burned. Awesome, hello cancer...

Happy Australian Day!

It´s weekend soon and I hope the weather is going to hold on like this! Love it.

onsdag 25 januari 2012

frikkin awwwesome!

haha sorry for my spelling in the last update... funny.

Now I´m freaking awesome! :)
See you guys

fredag 20 januari 2012

In these arms...

Another day, another dawn. Another babysitting-night, and gonna be the same tomorrow too. Buuut neeext saturday; Australia Open!
Buuut before that, on sunday it´s Bbq at Diana. Something to look forward to I think :).

Shuuuhoooo See youuuu!

Todays good song: Get a life- Lil Wayne ;)

onsdag 18 januari 2012

Perth pics


Shorts on christmasday! ;)

did some fishing and crabfishing...

notice the temprature!
One of the houses that had lots of christmaslights ..(from the boatride)
There are coming more pics soon...it was going a bit slow to put them up so you have to wait...for more..


måndag 16 januari 2012


I like Spontaneous events or yeah, things that happens...:)
We´ll see how this is going to be. Probably nothing but anyway ;P. The thing is that I had fun and that whats counts? Right?

Yesterday I went on spinning. My bum is so sore today...So I went out for a run(IN THE SUN) and a quickie on the gym. After that I can say I had a very cold shower. Nice.
Than I had a coffee with my neighbour. and so..did I sort toys out in the afternoon...made dinner and soo..
now it´s time for chill..

See you!

lördag 14 januari 2012

save my life...

Hello! Hope everything is good with you guys. I might bore u if you read this. So. :)

Now we´ve been here in melb for a few days again and it´s another morning/lunch after a good night out. Yesterday we were about 10 girs who was going to say goodbye to isabelle isaboll...:(:( sad she´s going home.!! " En riktigt go tjaaaj"...som mobbar mig för min norrländska ...meeeeen, what to do about it ;).
But we went out to a indian BYO resturant... than we went out to St Kilda for a partynight. Yooo. And a expensive taxiride. ;(

Hahaha right now I´m listening to Dr Bombay...?! Thanks mum  and dad for spotify ;)! höhö

Toonight I feel like sit and watch a bad movie...or go out for a chill night. so, let´s see what happens. I´ve got some plans from different people so ...party again or a relax night?..well see how I feel later! I don´t like to plan things, always funniest when something just happens. Isn´t it?

onsdag 11 januari 2012

I´m hoooome!

almost anyway...hiyaa!

I´ll tell you a bit: 1. christmas 2. new year 3. beach 4. hot 5. funny people
I´ve now seen kangeroos and dolphins for real! yep.

Memories never dies.


Back to the normal now than. To the cooler and a bit more rainy climate. after...3 weeks of sun and clear blue skies. Awesome.

see ya guys!