onsdag 29 februari 2012

So hang 'em high.

Now I´m...tired. Ive just made my bed and so after a busy day of cleaning,working..and cooking ..aand..tv watching;( please marry my boy) haha...and yeah. pretty much it. Tomorrow im gonna book some stuff for Tasmania...and maybe the dolphin swimming in philip island..

Now im gonna see an episode of One Tree Hill...than im gonna sleeeeep!

Nightynighty princes and princesses!

with love,
The King!

tisdag 28 februari 2012


Haha nu har jag precis kollat en video om en uppfinning jag inte visste fanns förrut. De e en...typ mp3 som blir en högtalare när man sätter en liten...mikrofon? på lådor o grejer...typ allt? aah jag dör lite av skratt att de verkligen funkar! har någon av er hört talas om de förrut, det kallades Rock-It..?

jaja. nog om det.

Nu vill ju alla självklart veta vad jag hållit på med som vanligt...^^ o som vanligt har de inte hänt något nytt och jättespännande...Mer än att jag tog tag i mitt liv o gick till gymmet..sen har jag inte ätit chips så mkt idag.

Och nu nyss skypeade jag med Lisa o vi snackade i prick 2 timmar !!!! :D
2:00:00 wihooooo!

Ha de bra!
(Oj nu blev de visst på svenska igen...)

Sorry :D

måndag 27 februari 2012

Sswedish sh sh sh

Okej. Ett svenskt inlägg...kanske för att man känner sig väldigt svensk efter denna helg, vad vet jag?
Helgen har alltså bestått av att vara på beachen, känna sig omringad av svenskar i 38gradig värme o palmer...vilket känns lite knepigt tycker jag endå. Men det kanske e en bra förberedelse för att komma hem till riktiga sverige?

Helgen var väldigt bra med bra väder o trevliga människor.. vilket på något sätt har lett mig ned i en liten dal idag..kanske pga att vädret e sämre, att de e ännu en ny vecka, osvosv...det gör att den här dagen känns lite hopplös. Det är väl nu som man då behöver träffa sina vänner mycket så man får mycket o tänka på..meen nej. alla bor så långt borta från där jag bor..tar ju alltså sisådär 2 timmar o komma över till andra sidan stan med public transport. Men men, jag ska ju snart jobba så då får jag nog tankarna på annat.

Tiden nu när jag har varit här har jag haft de bästa diskussionskompisarna ever...som löser nästan alla problem...o gör att man känner sig bättre dagar som denna. Meeen, på något sätt har de åkt ifrån den här platsen på jorden för att inte återvända. Vilket kan kännas lite tråkigt sådär. Någon ersättare till salu kan man fråga ?

You are more than welcome to make my day today!!

söndag 26 februari 2012

it is allowed...

To be a bit of a thinker? To get depressed and eat chips and candy a sundaynight? Isnt it?

Yes it is allowed today .

Happy day!

One day...

It was a saturday morning... I thought the day would be spend on a picknic with emelie and other ppl...but no. That was not how it turned out to be, at all.

In 38 degrees I did go to the beach with sandra and mia..and we were there the whole afternoon. After that, I went home with sandra to her house..she was babysitting a few hours in the evening and we made dinner and so..very nice. When her hostparents came home, her hostdad gave us a lift to st kilda beach....again, where it was gonna be a swedish bbq.. I was thinking a little bbq on 7 sweedes or something. But not. When we got there it was about 20 of them. It felt pretty weird to be surrounded  of so many sweedes..but anyway,I guess it was pretty nice.  (?) lol.

And that night I saw´pinguins!! I´d never thought I´d say that 1 year ago...more likely kangaroos or something but, no... it was penguins. Soft.
We(some sweedes from the bbq) also had a " night-swim", wihooo.

But hey, at half past 12 the night wasnt over..Sandra and I went into Chapel for a turn on the dancefloors. One of the first places we went to was my feet sticking into the floor so...so to say..dance with the feet stuck on the dancefloor wasnt a hit...so we went to other places..but no good music ...which is pretty important to get tha feelin. well well. 

Now im gonna have brekkie and than have a good shower to get the saltwater out of my beautiful hair.
Later today is it going to be some planning for tasmania, fair. not too long til we get there now

U know what...? its maybe less than 2 months till I get home now...unbelievable.

Be good!

( Ofcourse I do miss my little pearl to drive around in)!

torsdag 23 februari 2012


"- I dont workout, I just wanna push my luck" ...thats a good thing that u can say to people who seems too interested, hey? Hahah.. Fair enough!

This day has been busy...and warm, again. I feel like I can have a good use for a few snowflakes now.(?) OR WHAT DO I REAAALLLLYYY??! no.

Nothing else to comment of this day. Been good.

I´m gonna hang out with Tiffany for luch and so...and work some more. No plans for tha weekend yet, for once. More than maybe a barbieque(with some unknown people) and definatley a picknic(for Emelie who is going home soon)..but nothing else what i know about, so if anyone know somethin, just tell me.


sweet asssssssss!

onsdag 22 februari 2012

*Kärlek till folket*

Kärlek till min kära underbara familj och de underbaraste vänner man kan ha.
Love to my lovely family and the most wounderful friends you can ever get.

I´m so grateful to have you guys in my life. Thank you.

Peace! (and love).

tisdag 21 februari 2012

watttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa f***

dont worry, I´m just havin a really sore tummy and the only thing I can do right now is so much as nothing. Don´t worry I´m just not in the biggest writing- mood right now. maybe time for some pics?

Don´t worry at all. Its a game , wanna play it?

söndag 19 februari 2012

Tasmaniaaa - booked

Flight to Tasmania in March is booked! CHECK. Now its just everything else we gotta do. But it´ll be fine!

Yesterday was a....blur...not really. :) was babysitting . Goodygood. and this morning ofcourse too. Than, I had a chill afternoon with Daniel and we started to watch One tree Hill from the beginning, hmmmm. Coz I know some of u guys like that serie(which means it has to be a bit goood)...and has even tried to get me into it once (Frida and Lisa!!!)..so now I think my addiction is getting started. ..soon maybe anyway. Enough about TV.
 Later in the day we met up Sandra and my travel friends to be-Laura and max( maybe!!)...
Anyway I´m going to make the evening a short version: We ate, and just hung out in a park...

and now I´m here, another night before a new week. Another sunday done.

Goodnight world!

lördag 18 februari 2012

And I don´t worry, and That is True.

Cause I feel strong now and I can do whatever I´d want and like to.

wooopWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP. Yesterdays night ended up here at home at about 3.30AM. After a good night with Isabelle,Emelie,Carro and Lisa. We spent some time at their backpacker hostel in Prharan... Whhat a plllaceeee. The night was "white" which doesnt mean it was without alcohol but with whitewine. :)...Not my thaaang..but redbull made me smile anyway. HAHA. and chocolate...
Later on the night we went to another place in St Kilda, which had lots of people and was a good place..

After that when it got too hot Isabelle and I went outside and sat us down on a bench in front of this big fat sign that was all lit up and everything :

Hahaha...was funny...! Then it came people and spoke about weird things with us...people from...Liverpool.. who had an accent like i dont know. We didn´t get what they wanted to say which was awkward.
Wellwell...afterthat we had a walk to Chapel street and took our classical hamburger in the night. My laaast one with Isabelle in Melbourne forever!! So sad, so True!

Took the taxi home and...the driver yesterday wasnt too much fun, he had no gps...so he had to stop on the road and watch the map-----. and he expected me to find where I live...how would I know , thats his job. But finally I got home ans thats all that matters.

fredag 17 februari 2012

check it out

Nooow, I ve made cinnamon buns! haha. aah....I dont know what wrong it is with the buns i make over here but they dont get as good as in sweden!!! they are gettnig so compact and heavy here...not that fluffy as i want them to be!!? NO. Blaaah. I had "strössel " on them anyway so they look more colorful.

whatever. im never gonna make buns in aussie again.

Tonight I´m gonna meet up with my lovely doll Isabelle and her traveller friend and maybe some more :D yes gonna be fun! I hope. Cos im soo tired right now, maybe i get more awake of the air outside...

brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Have already been outside 2 times today.
Now i´m feel like going and have a laydown on the couch before Curtis comes home.

Yep .

Have a good weekend .


torsdag 16 februari 2012

You looking at me but I’m lookin through you.

When a star dies someone else light up the sky. So true. Feelings dies and new comes. Amazing!


I was thinking about getting a tattoo btw, but instead I´m thinking about another piercing? Since my tattooplans got crashed...I want it my way.. or i dont give a damn!

Thursday today and I´ve started to plan with some friends to go to Tasmania and to Philip island in a very soon future. How fun?!

Psst...dadddddyyyy my ipad is working again!! Even if your song-program-thing destroyed everything for a few weeks. u r forgiven though. :D

Haha, someone put this up on fb today, and it´s so true!


onsdag 15 februari 2012

On my knees.......?

oh yeahp. Another valentines day is over. But I did have a valentines dinner and movie so it didn´t end too bad. :) The last pirates of the carribean movie... it was ok. But the others when the old actors were in, are much better.  But ok.    And I had the best choclate mousse i´ve ever had!

Todaaay: GYM...! Again. aand maybe a run? again.

See you!

tisdag 14 februari 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Hi! And what special day is it todaay? Do we celebrate it? do u love it or hate it?...I think I´m more about to celebrate it when the day is over,...That it´s not the V-day anymore.
:) Happy as can be, as ever!

MY present, MY chocolate

So been to the gym today and now I´m havin some cholcolate from my present, helOooo!its just this day once a year!
maybe.. :)  (maybe to celebrate that I did have 90 Kg on legpress today!!!). My legs rocks.

Xoxo to me
Now I´m gonna kill the bee in my window.

Good luck to mee and to u guys: Have a Lovely day! ;)

söndag 12 februari 2012

Carried away..

YO ma lovers!

Time: 11.33
date: 12 febr Sunday
Place to be: My bed
Sounds that I can hear: a lawnmower
Memories from yesterday: To be carried around the streets of Melbourne
How fun doesn´t that sound like, hey?

Well my Saturday:
I did go to the gym in the morning. I did get my room back. I did read a book. I did take it slow. A man purposed to me. (ON HIS KNEES). I did say no. I had a great Taco night. I had fun. I had a jellyfish. I had a very nice ride in the taxi with a talkative driver.
Conclusion: Good people makes a good day/night.


lördag 11 februari 2012

A night of champangne?

This morning when I woke it was raining! I thought i was going to be woken up by the kids...but not this morning. The rain. wellwell...

Saturday today, we´ll see what I´m going to do today. am I gonna start the day with gym? Or maybe have a shower and breakfast?  why does life have to be hard? ;)...


torsdag 9 februari 2012



wanna do somethin, do somethin´!

Man i got too much sh*t on my hands to have to deal with all of you


onsdag 8 februari 2012

You can count on meeeeeee.........


Wednesday, check! Hah, and Í´ve moved out from my room today and is now lying upstairs in Curtis room for a couple of days :). Yepyep, and have just setteled in. Comfy!

Tomorrow its thursday again...gaah, the days go by so fast. Too fast?
- Yes. When u gotta decide stuff that needs to be done and not, it does.

Now its a prertty much a year ago I decided to go to Australia!! I´d never thought it was going to be like this. Thats not bad, I just didn´t know...:) Goood. Than I might have been worried haha!:D
But no. Take everyday as it comes, thats how life should be. thats how life is pretty much right now. How cool isn´t that? Every day got a little surprise!


tisdag 7 februari 2012

we are just havin fuuuuuuuuun

-So what we get drunk
So what we smoke weed
We’re just having fun
We don’t care who sees
So what we go out
That’s how its supposed to be
Living young and wild and free-

söndag 5 februari 2012

Great ocean rd , part 1

On our way on the road!

Michael and sandra

A lighthouse!

A picture!

A chineese!

Beautiful place and cold water hey!
On our way to the biggest jump evah?

Hahah liked this, definatley the biggest (highest) jump evaaaah!

And I discovered....a monkey...A KOALA in a tree !! :D

Got some more pictures 4  u guys later!


torsdag 2 februari 2012

Great Ocean...Road, WOOpP

YEP. This weekend (saturday-sunday), Sandra, Michael and I, am going to go on the Great ocean road! We are " unfortunatley" not going to camp with the tent as my first idea was...(With all the scarry animals, tell stories and get stuck somewhere in Australia in the middle of the night with just candy and sing songs at a bonfire and see other people get eaten by sharks   :( .)(sorry thats not likely to happen since we are going to stay at a hostel..!
But anyway, almost anything can happen and it can be a funny trip anyway. Maybe...

No, thats going to be fun! Wiihiiii! Finally; Great Ocean Road! Im gonna bring my camera so u are going to get to see some pics after that trip. If u had asked me for a year ago what great ocean road was, I´d probably had answered something like: "Wooot? En väääääg?" oke?.... Yes, but now I know that almost everyone know what it is..over here anyway. Shuuuuhuu..


Hmmm something sad....going to say bye to another girl who is going to leave us here Down Under...Hanna! SoooO hopefully we´ll have a good night out tomorrow. She´ll leave us for US...I think she´ll have the best time evah! ( Not really without me in Hawaii...but close).

I wanna know what happens in your lifes too you know...Update me please? Everything.?!

See yahaa!
This should probably be a part of the roadtrips-road!